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Mēs garantējam, ka BednBlue visi piedāvājumi tiek piedāvāti par zemāko cenu tirgū.
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Lai nodrošinātu, ka jūs nesaņemat neko mazāk par to, par ko esat vienojušies, mēs rezervācijas kopējo summu līdz jūsu ierašanās dienai piesaistām sarakstam.
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Mēs garantējam, ka visi BednBlue saraksti ir tieši tādi, kādi tie ir redzami. uzzināt vairāk
Personīgais asistents
Jau no rezervācijas brīža BednBlue pārstāvis zinās visu par jūsu ceļojumu un būs gatavs jums palīdzēt jebkurā brīdī, kad tas būs nepieciešams.
Fotis Pievienojies May 2022
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What a fantastic day! The boat is gorgeous and much bigger than I expected. The itinerary, locations and timings were flexible. Nikos, our skipper, was the best! He was in the background when he needed to be and he was the life of the party when we wanted to involve him! He was an awesome sport for having on my hens day, and took us on a longer journey so we could see the beautiful sunset. He was truly fantastic. Cannot recommend chartering this boat enough! Thank you
What a fantastic day! The boat is gorgeous and much bigger than I expected. The itinerary, locations and timings were flexible. Nikos, our skipper, was the best! He was in the background when he needed to be and he was the life of the party when we wanted to involve him! He was an awesome sport for having on my hens day, and took us on a longer journey so we could see the beautiful sunset. He was truly fantastic. Cannot recommend chartering this boat enough! Thank you