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BednBlue Guarantee
Labākās cenas garantija
Mēs garantējam, ka BednBlue visi piedāvājumi tiek piedāvāti par zemāko cenu tirgū.
Naudas atmaksas garantija
Lai nodrošinātu, ka jūs nesaņemat neko mazāk par to, par ko esat vienojušies, mēs rezervācijas kopējo summu līdz jūsu ierašanās dienai piesaistām sarakstam.
Saraksta precizitāte
Mēs garantējam, ka visi BednBlue saraksti ir tieši tādi, kādi tie ir redzami. uzzināt vairāk
Personīgais asistents
Jau no rezervācijas brīža BednBlue pārstāvis zinās visu par jūsu ceļojumu un būs gatavs jums palīdzēt jebkurā brīdī, kad tas būs nepieciešams.
By the way, we were not very happy with how the booking was handled. It should be explained before you purchase the trip that the boat will have NO crew except for Yaya. Also, the online booking says that the captain’s name is Onur. It was not. It is very confusing for passengers to expect one captain and arrive to find out it is someone else. Obviously, the lunch was a mistake and the only reason we discovered the mistake was because we asked Yaya many questions and called the coordinators. He was not interested in finding a solution at first. Yaya provided us no directions about safety on the ocean, no explanation about where we would be sailing, and he was not accommodating. He did not ever tell us where the life preservers/vests/jackets were in an emergency. I know that he does not speak English and we do not expect him to speak English—but we tried to use Google translate to speak with him and he was not interested in communicating with us. The trip we expected and purchased was not what we received. It was disappointing because we chose your company because it has really good reviews online. Yesterday was not your best effort. Anyway, we wanted to share this information with you so you can improve next time. We also booked from 11:00 to 18:00, and it ended in actuality at 17:00
By the way, we were not very happy with how the booking was handled. It should be explained before you purchase the trip that the boat will have NO crew except for Yaya. Also, the online booking says that the captain’s name is Onur. It was not. It is very confusing for passengers to expect one captain and arrive to find out it is someone else. Obviously, the lunch was a mistake and the only reason we discovered the mistake was because we asked Yaya many questions and called the coordinators. He was not interested in finding a solution at first. Yaya provided us no directions about safety on the ocean, no explanation about where we would be sailing, and he was not accommodating. He did not ever tell us where the life preservers/vests/jackets were in an emergency. I know that he does not speak English and we do not expect him to speak English—but we tried to use Google translate to speak with him and he was not interested in communicating with us. The trip we expected and purchased was not what we received. It was disappointing because we chose your company because it has really good reviews online. Yesterday was not your best effort. Anyway, we wanted to share this information with you so you can improve next time. We also booked from 11:00 to 18:00, and it ended in actuality at 17:00