Ievadiet e-pasta adresi, kas saistīta ar jūsu kontu, un mēs jums nosūtīsim drošu saiti, lai mainītu paroli.
BednBlue Guarantee
Labākās cenas garantija
Mēs garantējam, ka BednBlue visi piedāvājumi tiek piedāvāti par zemāko cenu tirgū.
Naudas atmaksas garantija
Lai nodrošinātu, ka jūs nesaņemat neko mazāk par to, par ko esat vienojušies, mēs rezervācijas kopējo summu līdz jūsu ierašanās dienai piesaistām sarakstam.
Saraksta precizitāte
Mēs garantējam, ka visi BednBlue saraksti ir tieši tādi, kādi tie ir redzami. uzzināt vairāk
Personīgais asistents
Jau no rezervācijas brīža BednBlue pārstāvis zinās visu par jūsu ceļojumu un būs gatavs jums palīdzēt jebkurā brīdī, kad tas būs nepieciešams.
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures.
The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand.
We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures. The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand. We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia