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BednBlue Guarantee
Labākās cenas garantija
Mēs garantējam, ka BednBlue visi piedāvājumi tiek piedāvāti par zemāko cenu tirgū.
Naudas atmaksas garantija
Lai nodrošinātu, ka jūs nesaņemat neko mazāk par to, par ko esat vienojušies, mēs rezervācijas kopējo summu līdz jūsu ierašanās dienai piesaistām sarakstam.
Saraksta precizitāte
Mēs garantējam, ka visi BednBlue saraksti ir tieši tādi, kādi tie ir redzami. uzzināt vairāk
Personīgais asistents
Jau no rezervācijas brīža BednBlue pārstāvis zinās visu par jūsu ceļojumu un būs gatavs jums palīdzēt jebkurā brīdī, kad tas būs nepieciešams.
We had such a wonderful time with Alexia and her staff today, they kindly picked us up from the hotel and helped get my partner’s manual wheelchair into their car, they were very helpful through the whole experience. A short lesson on using the boat was given which was very useful before setting off solo. When it comes to accessibility they really did everything they could do make our experience positive and stress free, though the boat isn’t wheelchair accessible if the user is able to transfer or be supported in transferring this is definitely a company to consider as they really do have a ‘can do’ attitude which made the whole day wonderful. The boat was very clean and well maintained, easy to drive as someone who’s never driven a boat before. We rented for 5 hours and drove for quite a lot of that time, fuel at the end of the trip was charged at €20 (you pay for what you use) which we thought was very reasonable. We would absolutely come back and book with Alexia again!
We had such a wonderful time with Alexia and her staff today, they kindly picked us up from the hotel and helped get my partner’s manual wheelchair into their car, they were very helpful through the whole experience. A short lesson on using the boat was given which was very useful before setting off solo. When it comes to accessibility they really did everything they could do make our experience positive and stress free, though the boat isn’t wheelchair accessible if the user is able to transfer or be supported in transferring this is definitely a company to consider as they really do have a ‘can do’ attitude which made the whole day wonderful. The boat was very clean and well maintained, easy to drive as someone who’s never driven a boat before. We rented for 5 hours and drove for quite a lot of that time, fuel at the end of the trip was charged at €20 (you pay for what you use) which we thought was very reasonable. We would absolutely come back and book with Alexia again!