Small is beautiful, indeed beautiful. It's true, they are somewhat spartan boats, dedicated to those with a reasonable spirit of adaptation, but truly ideal for moving between the islands of the Natural Park of the Maddalena and Bocche di Bonifacio archipelago, between Sardinia and Corsica. Small but safe, maneuverable boats, very simple to sail and which, with their keel of just 90 centimeters, really take you everywhere, reaching almost to the ground and giving you all the beauty of the sea and sailing. Rental of small sailing cruisers without a boat license from Porto Pollo, Palau. The Nytec 23 is a small sailing cruiser with great seaworthiness, excellent for learning sailing maneuvers. Thanks to its reduced draft it is suitable for exploring the La Maddalena Archipelago in the nautical camping formula. It is the ideal choice for a spartan sailing holiday in close contact with nature. She can accommodate up to 4 people in 4 comfortable berths, and is equipped with a 2 burner stove, and a portable toilet. Excellent solution for young families or sailors with small budgets. 7 units are available.
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