Come in groups of 8 people maximum and 4 minimum. Discover Kenya's coastline from north to south, its lush nature and magnificent beaches, far from the hustle and bustle of Nairobi and Mombasa. Our crew will welcome you aboard our Leopard 47 catamaran with 4 double cabins. The skipper, cook (and mate on the 47 only) will take care of everything on board. Each day, the catamaran will sail to the chosen site and, after a navigation stopover during which a hearty breakfast will be served, you'll be able to swim, snorkel and dive. Back on board, you can relax and enjoy a meal made on board from fresh fish, fruit and vegetables. At the same time, the catamaran will sail to the anchorage for the night. On arrival, you'll be able to disembark and take in the sights and enjoy the beach. After a busy day, it's time to relax on board with a good dinner and a chat about the day's experience, before heading to your private cabin for a good night's sleep, lulled gently by the chop on the hull and the breeze in the halyards. You'll enjoy a unique experience of getting back to nature in complete serenity. Stay an extra week in Kenya after the cruise to enjoy optional local safaris, or take advantage of a 3-days extension from Lamu to visit the wild mangroves and stay on Kiwayu Island.
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