Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with me as your host! On my yacht, you’ll explore stunning local and picturesque towns like the enchanting San Sebastián. Each port offers the chance to indulge in the rich, authentic flavors of Basque cuisine, enjoying traditional and fresh dishes that showcase the true essence of every place we visit. I’m passionate about discovering hidden gems and sharing these authentic destinations with my guests. Every day on board is filled with new culinary and cultural adventures, creating unforgettable memories as we sail through crystal-clear waters and breathtaking landscapes. With a commitment to providing the best experience in the region, you’ll find that no other sailing journey compares. Get excited and embark with me to experience the very best that the sea and land have to offer!
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Elastīgs: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 7 dienas pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 100% no jahtas maksas summas, bet atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 1 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās - 50%. vairāk
With me as your host, you will enjoy a unique sailing experience, exploring charming local and picturesque towns like the beautiful San Sebastián. I am passionate about discovering authentic destinations and sharing those hidden treasures with my guests. Onboard my yachts, you will have the opportunity to savor authentic Basque cuisine at every port, enjoying traditional and fresh dishes that reflect the essence of each place visited. Every day is a new culinary and cultural adventure, creating unforgettable memories as we sail through crystal clear waters and dreamlike landscapes. Get excited and embark with me!
BednBlue aicina ikvienu pirms ceļošanas vai fraktēšanas apstiprināt dažas lietas.
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Rezervēšanas padomdevēja veidlapa
Aizpildiet zemāk redzamo veidlapu, un drīz saņemsiet ieteikumus par ideālajām jahtām jūsu ceļojumam.
Jūsu veidlapa ir veiksmīgi iesniegta!
Ar jums drīzumā sazināsies ceļojumu eksperts, lai ieteiktu ideālo jahtu jūsu ceļojumam.
Apskatīt piemērotas jahtas tagad