It is a very special and modern boat with specific design and characteristics. Spacious, comfortable, stable and safe for all types of customers. By this boat, all little islands and caves of our area are approachable. Also, it is possible to visit many places in little time. Two sunbeds are placed on the bow for the sunlovers and a sun awning in the middle for the shadow lovers. The boat is equipped with a Sound System, one toilet and an outdoor sofa. The total capacity is 12 people including the captain.
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Stingri: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 31 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 60% no jahtas maksas summas. vairāk
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Pirms sazināšanās ar citiem biedriem BednBlue lūdz ikvienu apstiprināt dažas lietas.
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Rezervēšanas padomdevēja veidlapa
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Ar jums drīzumā sazināsies ceļojumu eksperts, lai ieteiktu ideālo jahtu jūsu ceļojumam.
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