Gulet is a motor sailboat built 1999g, and was completely renovated in 2017. That vessel changed its look and become luxury sailboat of the first class. The boat is 28m long and 6,9m wide. It has got 8 cabins and each of them has got WC and shower. The whole ship is air conditioned (saloon, rooms). The crew is consisted of captain, chef and sailor (mechanic). The ship owner has a very long experience doing this kind of work on various yachts in Monte Carlo. Except the inner saloon, there is also the outer saloon placed on the stern. TV, DVD, CD are also available and are also able to offer (banana-boat skiing, surfing, 2 canoes and tender Maestral 4,60m long). Route of our cruising are from Zadar to Dubrovnik.
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Stingri: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 31 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 60% no jahtas maksas summas. vairāk
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