It's a beautiful boat that allows you to enjoy a day or a few hours on the sea. With family and friends you can visit the most beautiful places of our area ,like Seitan Limania and the small bay of Kamares and swim in the crystal clear waters of Souda Bay. It has a fuel counter that helps you to control your fuel consumption. It also has a satellite tracker which shows us where you are so we come to you right away in case you need us. The skipper is optional. No licence needed. In case of a bad weather you can take your money back or we can postpone the trip for another day. You can rent the boat for half day(4 hours) or for a day (7 hours) The price on the platform is for 7 hours
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Elastīgs: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 7 dienas pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 100% no jahtas maksas summas, bet atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 1 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās - 50%. vairāk
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