The yacht is a professional fishing boat ,authorised to take people out for fishing. With our boat you can enjoy deep fishing and trolling. You can also choose to watch our professional fisherman collecting the nets, that's how you have the opportunity to see a lot of different type of fish which they live in our area. At the end of your trip , you take fish home or we introduce you a restaurant that they will cook the fishes for you. You can choose a fishing trip that can start before sunrise, a daily trip, or before sunset. Make a plan with your family or friends and we are ready to discuss about it so we help you to organize a suitable and joyful fishing trip. The price is for 7 hours including fuel and skipper
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Elastīgs: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 7 dienas pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 100% no jahtas maksas summas, bet atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 1 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās - 50%. vairāk
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